Our Books
Book 1: The 3 A's
Book 1 is the preparation for personal development. It takes the participant through a series of exercises that gets them ready psychologically and emotionally for the journey of personal growth.
$49.00 ea
Book 2: Personal Development
Book 2 is what we like to refer to as "The Meat" of the program. It takes the participant through an advanced process of pragmatic personal development.
$249.00 ea
Book 3: Lasting Fulfillment
Book 3 is the maintenance
portion of of the program. It teaches the participant how to apply the principles learned in book 2 to obtain and maintain a life of lasting fulfillment.
$129.00 ea
Book 4: Unlocking Your Success
Book 4 is where the rubber meets the road. This book teaches the participants how define their passion, and monetize their passion.
$189.00 ea
The P.A.T.H.S. Project
Books 1 thru 4
Book 4 is where the rubber meets the road. This book teaches the participants how define their passion, work with their passion and monetize their passion.
$499 each set with orders of 10 or more
$599.00 each set
Facilitator's Manual
This book is a combination of the content of the program and the additional aspects required to effectively teach the program.